Audrey Pritchard, Jeanette Brewer, Cheryl Mommsen, Linda Copley

Women’s Fours Championships

Congratulations to the team of Jeanette Brewer, Linda Copely, Cheryl Mommsen and Audrey Pritchard on their win today (5DEC20) in the Women’s Fours Championships.  The match was even between the two teams for most of the game and was 18 all going into the last end.   Jeanette, drew her second bowl onto the Jack and the he head changed a couple of times before Audrey moved the jack on her last bowl to give her team 3 shots which was kept after Lorraine’s last bowl.  Well done to Sandra Warren, Donna Seddon, Mandy Stitt and Lorraine Donney on a great game of bowls also.  Thanks to Marg Davies for umpiring and to the many spectators for their support.